Child of a Catholic Parisian family, Jacques-Marie Lacan become psychiatrist and is
formed at Sainte-Anne Hospital . Its first studies are consecrated to some cases of feminine
paranoia, and are articulated whit the psychoanalytic theory. Lacan interest particularly to the
imaginary relation between the man and his similar, and discribes in 1936 the theory of "phase of
mirror", in whom the subject, living itself to the departure like parceled, anticipates into a specular object
its own unity . At the beginning of the years 50, Lacan begin to achieve the vast project of
a rereading of the freudian work since topics like linguistic, structuralism and mathematics. He
comes of it to disengaging the command of "symbolic", like a structure of language :"The
unconscious is structured like a language." The existence of lacks in the symbolic and in the
imaginary brings it then to disengage a third command: the one of "real."
The wish is conceived like identical to a metonymy: caused by an object raising of real
, it displaces always toward some new objects , carried by some signifiers making chain between
them. The symptom is on the other hand joined to the metaphor and concern repressed signifiers. In
the case of psychosis, Lacan marks a no fundamental enrolment in the symbolic, the one of
?Nom-du Père?, meaning paternal which the fate, in the neurosis, is the one of coming to obstruct
the maternal desire. There is foreclosure of the ?Nom-du Père? in psychosis. The relationship of
subject of the unconscious to the object of desire is treaty by Lacan all to the long of 26 years of
Seminaries, and bring a work around the logic, the topology and the theory of knots . Lacan is
excluded of the Internationnal Psychoanalytic Association for problems of sitting?s time. For him,
the time of the sitting could not raise of objective time, the one some 45 minutes of orthodox cure,
but consists of a subjective time, springy, in relation with the saying and the points of stopping. The
lacanian sitting can thus be more short, and punctuated often by an intervening of the analyst trying
to start again the associations one sitting to the other. He publishes the compilation ?Ecrits? in
1966 , whole of texts written for 1936. The Seminaries of Lacan, in the years 70, attracts a large
cultivated public, and confers to him some hours of glory. He creates the Ecole Freudienne of Paris
in 1963, invents the procedure of "passe" like testifying the transition of the analysant to the analyst,
creates again the work of "cartel "like basis of working of its school (group of three or four persons
). Lacan dissolves its school in 1980 for putting a term to some trap of group, and founds the Ecole
of the Cause Freudienne which its son-in-law, Jacques-Alain Miller, assures the presidency for its
death, in September 1981.
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