"Repeats that there is something in the statute of science that doesn't appear us clearly since the science was born" ("La science et la vérité" 1965) The divided subject, the barred subject, it is the one who is only represented by a signifier for an other signifier. This state of structure has some aftermaths in the field of knowledge for the "speaking being", so much of course in this that
concern the constitution of the knowledge of the unconscious that for this that is knowledge said "objective," in particular the knowledge of the science. Precisely, the divided subject manifests itsef in the logical frontiers of the science's discourse and of the math's discourse under manner of logic limits, of points of stopping in the rational generalships, revealing the existence of a hole and of unavoidable recurrent cuts.
The position of the psychoanalysisin front of the science, in truth its pretension to itself "equal to the science," is directly articulated to these logical questions. If,differently of what is passing in the magic or the religion, the knowledge is communicated in the science, there is all even to interest to the fact that at the truth like reason, the science doesn't want anything to know. He is clear that the science is extensively under offering by the mathematical discourse, and therefore by the Real studied in the mathematics. The physics, for example, doesn't keep in its field of investigating than it is mathematicaly articulable.
But the Real in mathematics is not necessarily unique. To the thread of the history, one could see the men first interest to the geometric ideal figurations, aiming a spatial Real, then others attach to the structure of numbers, to the algébrization,aiming a Real numeric. Finally, the great Pascal invented something he called the "geometry of the hazard," that is the theory of probabilities, that has feature to a Real particular: the one of the hazard. On this real there, we work only whit statistics. A good example of the superposition of these reals successive is us given in the atomic physics. A first geometric pattern of the atom is us given by Rutherford, who fact intervene the gravitation of particles around a central point. A little more late, Heisenberg (the man of uncertainty's principle) develops a complex architecture numeric, under shapes of matrixes, in order to encode all the features of particles(frequencies, energies, etc.): the atom becomes numerised. Finally, the physicist Born Max discovers that one could not speak in quantic physic that of "waves of probabilities," that sends back us to the statistics for what is the fundamental apprehension of Real. It is the reason for there is no more opposition between the settled objectives sciences and the human sciences: in all the cases, there are statistic laws who govern the exercise of research.
"There is not human science because the man of the science doesn't exist, but only its subject" ( "La science et la vérité").